When Valiant Comics relaunched in 2012 The Blot was super excited! As a kid growing up in the ‘90s I loved pretty much every book Valiant published (I never could get into Solar). Now that Valiant’s back up and running on all cylinders with a number of fantastic books, the comic book publisher is also starting to license their characters to third parties. Enter Comic Images and their line of Super Deformed Plushes!
Wave one of Comic Images’ Valiant Comics Super Deformed Plush Figures includes X-O Manowar, Bloodshot and Faith “Zephyr” Herbert of Harbinger. Each figure stands 7” tall, has a gigantic head and little bitty feet. While these Valiant Comics plushes won’t hit stores until January 2014, you can pre-order all three figures from Entertainment Earth for $10.99 each here.