Coming soon from Graphitti Designs and DC Comics is this spooky Batman t-shirt entitled “Joker: Bats” by Jock, which features the artist’s amazing cover to Detective Comics #880 featuring the Clown Prince of Crime, The Joker! If you didn’t read the Black Mirror storyline that ran through Detective Comics back in 2011, then you may recognize the image from the Mondo screen print “Joker: The Black Mirror”, which was released last August. Jock’s design of The Joker’s head comprised almost entirely of bats has become an iconic modern-era image of the Dark Knight’s mortal enemy.
The Batman t-shirt “Joker: Bats” by Jock will be available in comic book specialty stores worldwide (and the Graphitti Designs online store) soon in sizes S-XL for $18.95 and size XXL for $21.95.