Saturday, December 21, 2013

SitcomsOnline Digest: Three Classic CBS Series Back On for Blu-ray

SitcomsOnline Digest: Three Classic CBS Series Back On for Blu-ray; Final Season of The Cleveland Show on DVD

Welcome to SitcomsOnline Digest! It's the weekend before Christmas, and the "moving and shaking" is pretty limited for the next few weeks, but we're here for all of your regular features. Let's get going!


  • Normally we wouldn't care about a series in development over at Nickelodeon, but one caught our attention this week. Garry Marshall is part of the production team behind a crime procedural with a twist: an all youth cast. We'll keep an eye on developments with this. (Deadline)

  • The cast of The Big Bang Theory is headed to the stage of negotiating a new contract, and you can't help but to wonder how much the stars of the mega-hit will be worth in this round (but we can probably guess that they'll be paid more for one episode than most of us will earn in a decade). (Deadline)

  • Bravo plans to air a marathon of The Mindy Project on New Year's Eve, perhaps in hopes of revitalizing the series that seems to be headed down the track to cancellation. Is it too little, too late? (TVbytheNumbers)

  • Did you see our interview with Lisa Whelchel of The Facts of Life? If not, you should check it out. (SitcomsOnline).

  • And speaking of interviews, check out our interviews with some of the stars of ABC Family from earlier this week. (SitcomsOnline)


  • It seems like it has been a pattern of on-again, off-again for CBS releasing some classic series on Blu-ray, but it appears that now it is "on-again" as The Honeymooners - The Classic 39 Episodes, I Love Lucy - The Ultimate Season One, and The Andy Griffith Show - Season One are all set to head to Blu-ray on April 8.

  • Fox has wrapped up The Cleveland Show on DVD, in MOD form, with their release of The Cleveland Show - Season Four. This is the final season of the show (although the characters will live on when they are "spun back in" to Family Guy this spring).


  • I Love Lucy - The I Love Lucy Christmas Special: The single disc release brings three classic episodes of the series to DVD in both the original black and white version and color, but doesn't offer much else.

Who to Follow: Regis Philbin (Twitter), "TV icon and host of Crowd Goes Wild. 17,000 hours on TV and counting, just try and stop me!"

Claim to Fame: It may seem easy to just dismiss Philbin as either "that game show host," "that talk show host," or (at least now) "that sports news host," but at 17,000 hours on TV, he is all of that and more. He's a TV icon, and as a result, has managed to cross through all forms of television. And we're featuring him this week since he just joined Twitter this week, and already has nearly 20,000 followers.

Pick of the Tweets: "Here's my first selfie #ImAlsoOnTwitter @JustinTuckNYG91


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