This time around, the zoo critters voiced by Ben Stiller, Chris Rock & Co. are on the lam in Europe, where they join a circus. High-flying mayhem ensues.
The band of escaped animals continue their mission to get back to New York.
Updated, Sunday 11:30 a.m. PT: LOS ANGELES -- The third animated "Madagascar" film stampeded past sci-fi thriller "Prometheus" to top U.S. and Canadian box office charts with nearly $60.4 million in ticket sales over the
Six weeks ago, The Avengers entered theaters and blew everyone's expectations out of the water with its record-breaking $207.4 million debut. In the weeks that followed, though, the box office fell into a bit of a slump.
With two prominent new releases getting launched, it ended up one of the busiest weekends of the summer in theaters across the country, second only to the
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